Sunday, May 10, 2009

I have a life, too

My husband and I don't live in the same town as my mil. She lives in the town where we both went to college and still have lots of friends. But when we come to town for a visit, we are expected to spend every minute of every day of our visit with her. If we tell her that we have other plans, there are tears and guilt trips that my husband completely falls for every time. He ends up not seeing his friends because he's spending time with his mother.

When I opt out of planned activities with my mil so that I can catch up with friends, I get a complete guilt trip from my husband, which drives me insane.

It's not like I don't spend any time with her. I join in for at least one lunch and one dinner, and I figure that's enough. She's not my mother, and I don't particularly enjoy her company. I don't prevent my husband from spending time with his mother. I figure he can choose to spend his time how he wants. I just want the same consideration from him.

Is that too much to ask?

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