Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You'll live, I promise

My mil lives in the same town and sees my kids pretty much every week. Either she visits them here or they go to her apartment. She tends to get snippy if there is something going on in our lives that prevents her from having time with the kids.

The other day she got really snippy when she found out that my parents, who see my kids three or four times a year, will be here for an extended visit. She sent my husband, who is very good at setting limits with her, a pitiful e-mail asking if there was any way she could see the kids for a few hours this week before "her parents arrive and I can't see the kids for two whole weeks."


It's that tragic that you have to share your grandkids for two weeks?

We have not in any way limited her access to them, even though we don't agree with many of her choices in life, and yet she sends an e-mail whinging about being kept away.

I'm waiting for the day when she complains that it's not fair that my parents get to come for a long visit, because then I'll just have to unload on her, and it won't be pretty.


  1. It would not be pretty I agree but do make sure to videotape it would you?

  2. My oldest daughter once went to stay with MY mother for a week. You should have heard the sobbing from my MIL about how much she missed her. Give me a freaking break, it's only a week. *I* didn't even miss her that much.


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